Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Different Traditional American Desserts

American desserts
Like any ordinary man, most Americans love to eat especially desserts. Desserts are practically what satisfy everybody right after every meal. That is why; Americans have come up with traditional American desserts to cater to not only the Americans, but also to other dessert lovers all around the world.

There are a lot of American desserts that are very popular worldwide. Great examples are the classic American cheesecakes. These American desserts are made from cream cheese and these are added with sugar as well as vanilla essence, sour cream and lemon juice. The mixed cream is then added onto a cracker crust, and then properly chilled before they are served. American cheesecakes should not be over beaten as they could destroy the proper consistency of the cream cheese itself. Over the years, these well-loved American cheesecakes have been modified a number of times, creating more and more variations to further satisfy the needs of the dessert lovers worldwide.

Banana splits are also another examples of American desserts. With three different scoops of ice cream placed on a bowl, garnished with slices of banana, sprinkled with chocolate syrup on top, these American desserts are perfectly what kids love to have after every meal. Presently, chefs have been able to master the art of proper presentation of these banana splits that are sure ways to make people, both young and old, crave for these delightful desserts. They are delicious, they are classic, and they are healthy as well.

American Desserts are basically the same with the other desserts worldwide. While there are some that go for these traditional delights, many people are still concerned of the thought of having additional calories brought about by these desserts. Happily, there are artificial sweeteners that can handle with these concerns. In fact, most of the American Desserts are made from low fat and low calorie content, and some of them are actually sugar free. No one can really tell the difference!

For you to enjoy the delightful recipes of American desserts, you can browse online and learn a whole lot more about them. There are more than a thousand American desserts available. This fact only goes to show how much people love to binge on sweet temptations. American desserts are certainly the best. Not only they are yummy and delicious, but they are surprisingly nutritious as well. Treat yourselves with a serving or two of American desserts. After all, everybody has a sweet tooth within them, right? Everybody and that includes you!

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