Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sherbets: A Healthy Cool Indulgence

sherbet frozen delight
Summer is definitely hot. Yes, the sun would set brimming heat into the surface of the earth but what makes it really hotter is the sight of more skin and body. A sun shiny day is a practical time show that sexy body, which means wearing less clothes to beat the heat. Some would bid to sport a perfectly fit if not alluring body, which requires strong willpower and determination to stay away from eating or drinking fattening treats. The fight with the enormous sun, however, appears to be an exhausting given the tempting scenario of wanting to sit down, relax and cool down with a refreshing ice cold treat such as ice cream, a sinful indulgence that could ruin your figure! But one can fret no more because sherbets are here to delight you.

Sherbets are low-fat fruit flavored ice cream. This sherbet frozen delight serves as a perfect refuge for body conscious ice cream lovers. Also known as sherberts, the dessert, which can be easily found in grocery stores, is actually a puree or sweetened fruit juice frozen with milk, egg whites, light cream, or gelatin that is guaranteed to have less fat content. In fact, the United States government regulated manufacturers of the dessert to strictly maintain a milkfat content of around 1% to 2% only though requiring the product to be a bit sweeter than ice cream. Otherwise, the product is automatically labeled as ice cream in the market. So feel safe to grab that sherbet-labeled item in the grocery shelf.

Sherbets have Turkish origin but these were some historical accounts saying that the Chinese developed the dessert then passed it on to Arab traders, who spread it in Europe. The name sherbet is derived from the Turkish word serbat

Traditionally, sherbets serve as a medicinal drink in Turkey, where the cold frozen drink dessert is mixed with cornelian cherries, rose hips, licorice, and a variety of spices. The fruits and spices, which are grown in the gardens of the Ottoman Palace under the control of doctors and pharmacist, are the source of the dessert’s effective healing power. Sherbets are actually being served after circumcision rites and being recommended to mothers, who have just given childbirth, to help them produce more milk needed in breastfeeding their babies.

From its birth to its continuing existence, sherbets proved one thing. It is a cool pro-body and pro-health indulging treat.

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