Monday, May 13, 2013

Tiramisu - The Italian Food Dessert

italian tiramisu recipe
Tоdаy Tіrаmіsu іs thе mоst pоpulаr оf Itаlіаn fооd dеssеrts.  It grаcеs thе mеnu оf nеаrly еvеry Itаlіаn fооd rеstаurаnt.  Hоwеvеr, іts rіsе tо fаmе hаs bееn mеtеоrіc; іt wаsn’t еvеn іnvеntеd untіl thе 1970′s іn thе Vеnеtо rеgіоn оf Itаly.  It dіdn’t еvеn gаіn wіdеsprеаd pоpulаrіty untіl thе еаrly 1990′s.  It іs а unіquе blеnd оf іngrеdіеnts thаt sеpаrаtеly sееm tо nоt gо tоgеthеr аt аll.  Hоwеvеr, whеn cоrrеctly blеndеd tоgеthеr thеy fоrm оnе оf thе trеаsurеs оf Itаlіаn fооd.

Thе fіrst іngrеdіеnt іs Mаscаrpоnе chееsе.  Thіs chееsе hаs vеry dееp rооts іn Itаlіаn fооd.  It wаs mаdе аs fаr bаck аs thе 13th cеntury іn thе rеgіоn оf Lоmbаrdy.  Thіs chееsе іs cоncеntrаtеd mіlk crеаm аnd hаs а vеry hіgh fаt cоntеnt, gеttіng up tо sеvеnty-fіvе pеrcеnt.  It іs а smооth аnd crеаmy chееsе.  Trаdіtіоnаlly іt hаs bееn cоnsіdеrеd tо bе mоrе оf а wіntеr dіsh аnd thеrеfоrе shоws up іn mоrе оf thе sеаsоnаl Itаlіаn fооd dіshеs.  Thіs іs mаіnly bеcаusе оf іts hіgh cаlоrіеs аnd thе fаct thаt whеn іt wаs fіrst prоducеd thеrе wаs nо rеfrіgеrаtіоn аnd thіs dеlіcаtе chееsе dоеs nоt kееp wеll іn hоt tеmpеrаturеs.  Lіkе mаny оthеr Itаlіаn fооds, thе bеst Mаscаrpоnе chееsе cоmеs dіrеctly frоm Itаly.  Hоwеvеr, іt yоu’rе аn Itаlіаn fооd lоvеr mаkіng Tіrаmіsu аt hоmе, thеrе аrе plеnty оf mаkеrs оf Mаscаrpоnе chееsе іn Amеrіcа.

Thе nеxt іngrеdіеnt іs Zаbаglіоnе crеаm.  Thіs іs а truе clаssіc Itаlіаn fооd dеssеrt.  It hаіls frоm thе wоrld rеnоwnеd kіtchеns оf Vеnіcе.  Whеn іt оrіgіnаlly bеcаmе а pоpulаr Itаlіаn fооd dеssеrt іt wаs mаdе wіth yоlks, hоnеy, аnd а swееt Cyprus wіnе.  Hоwеvеr, tоdаy thе crеаm hаs tаkеn оn а nеw flаvоr.  Tо bеgіn wіth sugаr іs substіtutеd fоr thе оrіgіnаl hоnеy.  Thе mоst stаtеd dіffеrеncе іn tаstе thоugh, cоmеs frоm thе usе оf Mаrsаlа wіnе іnstеаd оf thе swееt Cyprus wіnе.  Thіs crеаm cаn bе mаdе frоm hоmе аnd іs еаsіеr tо mаkе thаn mоst Itаlіаn fооd chеfs lеt оn.

Thе thіrd іngrеdіеnt іs thе mоst dіstіnctіvе fаctоr оf Tіrаmіsu, еsprеssо.  Thіs shоt оf cаffеіnе іs whеrе thе dеssеrt gеts іts nаmе, whіch mеаns “pіck mе up”.  Thіs іs а cоffее thаt іs truе tо Itаlіаn fооd аnd іs much strоngеr thаn Amеrіcаn cоffее.  Esprеssо іs thе mоst іmpоrtаnt cоffее іn Itаlіаn fооd аnd cаn bе sееn fоllоwіng mаny Itаlіаn mеаls.

Thе fоurth аnd fіnаl іngrеdіеnt іs Lаdyfіngеrs.  Thеsе pоpulаr cооkіеs оrіgіnаtеd іn Itаly аnd hаvе mаdе numеrоus аppеаrаncеs іn nоt оnly Itаlіаn fооd, but іn mаny оthеr nаtіоnаl cuіsіnеs.  Thеsе cооkіеs аrе rеmаrkаbly lіght duе tо thе fаct thаt thе dоugh wіth whіch thеy аrе mаdе іs rіch wіth whіppеd еgg whіtе.  Thеy аrе іmmеnsеly pоpulаr аnd оnе оf thе mоst аpprеcіаtеd Itаlіаn fооd dеssеrts іn Itаly.

Thеsе fоur іngrеdіеnts blеndеd tоgеthеr just rіght аnd tоppеd оff wіth chоcоlаtе mаkе аn Itаlіаn fооd dеssеrt thаt іs аs pоpulаr аs thе іndіvіduаl іngrеdіеnts.  Mаkе surе whеn yоu prеpаrе thіs аt hоmе thаt yоu tаkе grеаt cаrе іn chооsіng thе іngrеdіеnts, іt wіll rеаlly mаkе а dіffеrеncе іn thе quаlіty оf Tіrаmіsu.  Nоw thаt yоu knоw thе cоrrеct quаlіty аnd thе оrіgіn оf thе іngrеdіеnts yоu wіll surеly іmprеss yоur frіеnds wіth yоu Itаlіаn fооd knоwlеdgе.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Famous Mexican Desserts And Some Variations

leche flan
“Postres” – the sweets at the end of a meal. Although Mexicans consider these as important meal-enders, Mexican desserts remain highly unfamiliar. Perhaps, this is because they are hidden behind the shadow of the ever-present caramelized custard, known locally as “flan caramelisado”.

Among the many distinct Mexican desserts, the flan caramelisado remains to be the most classic, and is suggestively the best description of Mexican desserts in general. In fact, the most traditional dessert recipes of the Mexicans were discovered when the Spanish colonies ruled the country.

The popularity of the “flan” has spanned several countries all over the globe. Although the terms “flan” and “crème caramel” were derived from the French, the word “flan” however, is used by the French to mean custard tart. Since it is known across Europe, as well as in other parts of the world, “flan” is mostly how Spanish-speaking people call it.

The flan is known to have greatly invaded dessert menus in Europe towards the end of the 20th century because it offers restaurateurs utmost convenience. Since the crème caramel, as Europeans call it, is fairly easy to prepare, and may be made in advance before it is needed, it became one of the most prevalent desserts in restaurant menus.

The flan is not only the most well-known among Mexican desserts, but has also gained as much attention in other countries. There are now a lot of variations, including the use of almond, coconut, lemon, pistachio, and other fruits.

Another proof of its popularity is the fact that has been “imitated”. “Instant flans”, which are available in powder form, use agar as thickening, instead of eggs. “Royal” is among the popular brand name of these flan imitations.

Flan is more widely-known in Spain, as well as in the Philippines and Latin America, both of which were under Spanish rule. Flan has become a lot more common in the United States because it is always a part of Mexican menus.

The pastry ingredients of the Europeans, such as wheat flour, eggs, and milk, and the crepes of the French, were all made part of some Mexican desserts. Up to now, these contributions from other cultures can be savored in the various Mexican desserts like bread pudding, rice pudding, coconut flans, and caramel filled crepes.

Mexican desserts are interesting because they are influenced by the flavors of other cultures, and further enhanced by the Mexicans ‘fascinating tastes.

What Type Of Methods Is Used To Cook Mexican Food

cook Mexican dishes
Mexican foods are cooked similar to how you cook your everyday meals. They can be fried, boiled, and grilled. Mexico has cooked their foods differently in the past.

Long ago, the natives of Mexico did not have ovens like we have today. They would have to cook foods by an open fire pit. They would hold the foods in iron pots and pans. It cooked like how we grill our foods on the barbeque. Before the Spaniards introduced the iron pots, the Aztecs used to steam and boil foods in two-handled clay pots which were called xoctli. The pot was filled with the food and heated over the fire. Frying foods was a popular way to cook. Many Mexican dishes still use this method.

Today in the present, it is a lot easier to cook Mexican dishes. It takes less time to prepare the foods. If someone wants to make homemade tortillas, there are iron pans that make it easy. Flan can be made simple using spring form type pans. Long ago, it was a long process to make masa, which is a dish that includes a certain type of corn that has to be grinded. Nowadays you can purchase a metal grinder that helps grind the masa.

The oven is perfect for making many Mexican foods. It makes cooking vegetables and meats a snap. They can be placed in a pot of water with added spices and simmered for hours. Bigger steaming pots make tamales easier to cook. You can make many tamales and steam them all at once, making it very convenient. Tamales take a long time to make, so big pots are perfect.

Grilling on the barbeque is also a great way to taste authentic Mexican foods. Long ago foods were made this way and called Barbacoa. It consisted of steaming meat that was suspended over boiling water in a deep pit. Before steaming the meat cactus and banana leaves were wrapped around it. These days, barbequing allows the spices and sauces to burst with flavor. It tastes similar to how the food once was cooked over open flames. Fajitas are great on the grill!

Centuries ago, the natives used what was called metate y mano. It was a large tool that was made out of lava rock or stone. The surface was slightly concave. The tool was used to mash the ingredients. Another tool they used to mash ingredients was molcajete. It was mortar and pestle. When cooking, you have to be able to stir. Wooden spoons have been used for centuries and still are. Today different types are available for you to use, depending on what type of dishes you are making. Some are made for stirring thicker foods, while others are thin for stirring foods such as onions and garlic.

Mexican food has a rich history behind it. The methods might have been modernized, but the food is still traditional. Depending on how the foods are cooked, you will taste different flavors and textures. There are many Mexican dishes to cook and enjoy.

Aspects Of California Gourmet Cuisine And Recipes

california gourmet cuisine
California gourmet cuisine is marked by fusion of different culinary influences from Central and South America to Mexico and Asia. Many of the popular cooks of California gourmet cuisine are understood for keeping their dishes easy but impressive, always fresh and carefully equipped using the very best ingredients, generally those discovered locally.

Some typical local active ingredients that are commonly utilized in California gourmet cuisine consist of artichokes, avocados, fresh dates and figs, sprouts and persimmons. Of course, in California gourmet cuisine these ingredients often come straight from the farmer’s market. California gourmet cuisine in the north coastline will feature salmon, oysters and Dungeness crabs whenever these are in season.

While California is the birthplace of lots of prominent fast-food chains it is also the house of top-rated California gourmet cuisine bistros, the most well understood is The French Laundry in Napa Valley. The owner and cook of The French Laundry is the well-respected Thomas Keller. Some instances of California gourmet cuisine served by The French Washing include Surf and Turf, which is a dish of lobster tail and sauted foie gras and Oyster and Pearls, which is a dish of oyster with caviar offered on cozy custard of pearl tapioca.

Because of the variety of California gourmet cuisine, exploring it is an adventure in itself. There are California gourmet cuisine retreats that provide to integrate cooking classes while checking out different aspects that make up California gourmet cuisine such as the vineyards, olive oil producers, ethnic food markets, and farmer’s markets.

Below are some examples of California gourmet cuisine:

California Avocado Fruit Salad

Prepare the dressing by whisking together 2 cups of olive oil, 2 tablespoons each of raspberry vinegar and toasted sliced walnuts, 1 tsp of grated lime peel, and 1 tablespoon each of fresh lime juice and sliced fresh basil leaves, and 1 tsp each of salt, pepper and dry mustard. Set the dressing aside.

Combine 1 10 oz pack of blended child greens, 3 peeled kiwis, cut in half, 2 peeled and segmented grapefruits, and 2 cups of sliced strawberries in a big salad bowl. Pour over the dressing. Toss the salad. Leading with 8 avocado slices.

California Poached Persimmons

Stem 6 firmly-ripe persimmons. Peel, dispose of seeds and cut them each into 8 wedges. Place the persimmons in a saucepan and integrate with half a cup of dry white wine, 3/4 cup of fresh strained orange juice, 1/4 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of peeled and minced fresh gingerroot and 1/4 tsp of cinnamon. Bring the blend to a boil. Stir sometimes, cover and let simmer for 15 minutes or until the persimmons become tender.

When the persimmons are prepared, transfer them to a dish making use of a slotted spoon. Boil the syrup till the liquid is about 1/2 cup, and put this over the persimmons. You can serve this dish cozy or chill it and serve over ice cream.

Ballotin De Pralines: The Belgian Gourmet Chocolate

ballotin de pralines
Chocolate is among the humanity’s preferred meals. Kids and grownups alike eat and consume it in different types. Chocolate is so special in fact that an ordinary American eats 4.5 chocolates in a year.

How did chocolate begin? It was the Aztecs who first uncovered chocolate. The very first form of chocolate was a bitter refreshment that was thought about by the Aztecs as the refreshment of the gods. The beverage consisted mainly of the roasted kernel seeds of the cocoa fruit.

It was Christopher Columbus, a Spanish explorer who found the New Globe, who brought chocolate to the Europe. The beverage was extremely costly and only rich individuals in Europe had the ability to manage it. The chocolate recipe was a closely defended key in Spain.

Nevertheless, the success of the beverage was fantastic that the understanding of the recipe and of chocolate itself spread out with all countries of Europe. Each nation began to find ways on how to make their very own gourmet chocolate by adding sugar, milk and other components. This was the birth of chocolate as we understand it today.

One of the most widely known gourmet chocolates on the planet is Belgian chocolate. When it was first introduced in Belgium, it was accepted to be a good gift to offer. Later, in 1912, Belgian confectioneries produced the “praline,” a chocolate filling or icing. To safeguard its fragile taste and nature, it was secured by a packaging with the label “Ballotin.” Therefore, the widely known Belgian gourmet chocolate, or “ballotin de pralines” was born.

What makes this gourmet chocolate special? There are a lot of elements. The cocoa seeds for use in making Belgian chocolates are thoroughly picked. This is especially important for the praline. The quality of the chocolate rests on the cocoa bean’s color, scent and texture.

Belgian chefs then prepare the praline by hand. This is especially true when it concerns enhancing the praline. Each ballotin de pralines is distinct, each has a personal touch.

Aside from being tasty, the Belgian gourmet chocolate is additionally healthy to eat. In fact, it is looked at to be an energy company. It contains important mineral salts such as magnesium and iron.

The praline is also an aphrodisiac, a sexual stimulant. In fact, it is looked at to be the meals item that inflames passions.

Ballotin de pralines is also a very good anti-depression food. Praline contains pheryletylanine, a compound that has a positive action against stressed depression.

Everybody must consume ballotin de pralines a minimum of as soon as. It is not just meals, it is an experience.

The Paleo Diet Food Lists

Following the Paleo diet is all about going back to the roots of our most ancient ancestors and adhering to their diet.  Back when cavemen walked the earth, they were hunters and gatherers eating the freshest of fruits, vegetables, and meats.  With all diets come strict instructions on what you can and cannot eat.  By following the list of foods set forth, you can gain optimal health and nutrition.

Understanding that the Paleo diet is based on the foods that the cavemen ate, you will need to stay away from all foods that are packaged or processed.  In addition, there are certain meats that are on the Paleo diet “do not eat” list because they are considered fatty.  Some of these meats include chicken wings, deli meats, pork sausage, salami, chicken skin, turkey skin, pepperoni, bacon, fatty pork chops, bologna, fatty lamb chops, breakfast sausage, and spam.

Cavemen lived before the age of agriculture. Therefore, they did not eat grains or wheat.  So these kinds of foods fall into the “do not eat” list of the Paleo diet.  Even the grains that claim to be “gluten-free” are not recommended for the Paleo diet.  Other grains on the “do not eat” list include, barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, rye, wheat, and wild rice.  Any foods that are made from these products can not be eaten as well.  These foods include amaranth, bread, buckwheat, cakes, cookies, corn chips, corn on the cob, corn starch, corn syrup, donuts, flat bread, muffins, pasta, pancakes, pita bread, pizza, quinoa, rice cakes, rice flour, rice noodles, rice pudding, rolled oats, rolls, rye crackers, and tortillas.

Many foods are listed on the Paleo diet “do not eat” list.  But there are also many foods that can be eaten and enjoyed.  Those who have experienced and stuck with the Paleo diet have found that there are a great variety of meals that they can eat.  Although cavemen did not eat dairy, they did eat eggs.  You can enjoy an omelet made with two eggs that contains fresh produce like mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, and onions.  You can also enjoy snacks of fresh fruits and vegetables such as berries, raw carrots, and celery.  You can even snack on guacamole.  However, when you are snacking on fruits and vegetables or enjoying them as a side dish to your meal, eat them without many condiments or sauces on them.  They are healthier this way.  Plus, there are many meats that you can eat.  Look for meats that come from pasture-raised and grass-fed animals.  If that is not possible, choose the leanest cuts of meat to fill your appetite.

The best part of the Paleo diet is that it will eventually slow your digestive process.  You will feel fuller for longer periods of time.  So when you are partaking in the Paleo diet, you should only eat when you are hungry.  Don’t worry if you skip the occasional meal.  Your body will let you know when you are hungry.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How To Create Vegetable Juice Recipes

vegetable juice recipes
Many people wonder how they can consume all of the recommended greens in only one day.  Juicing in the answer.  Juicing gives your body a quick way to absorb all of the wonderful nutrients that are contained in vegetables and fruits, because juicing breaks down the cell walls of whole foods.  There is no need to waste energy digesting the foods because juice can be absorbed by your body within twenty minutes.

Juicing is the best way to consume high volumes of greens during the day. Although green vegetables are the most alkalizing, mineralizing, and healthiest foods, they are not always the most flavorful.  But you can mix other fruits and tastier vegetables into the mix to make it taste better.  You can use foods such as apples or carrots for this purpose.  When it comes to creating delicious juices that are also healthy, not only is it a matter of personal preference, but it’s also an exercise for your imagination.  What fruits would taste wonderful together and help you to take advantage of the many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that fruits and vegetables have to offer?

Juicing is easy to learn and you can make and invent recipes that are easy, tasty, and best of all, healthy.  But there are a few things that you need to remember when juicing.  Make sure to wash all of the vegetables and fruits that you’ll be using.  It is best to purchase produce from a health food store or a local produce market.  If you are buying them from the local supermarket, washing them well will ensure that you have removed any lingering pesticides.  Many fruits and vegetables do not have to be prepared further than cutting them up into smaller pieces to fit inside the juicer.  However, most pits and larger seeds will need to be removed, in addition to the rind from some citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits.  Many melons can be juiced with their peel and all.  It is best to investigate how each fruit and vegetable should be juiced before you attempt to use it in a recipe.  When creating a juice recipe, make sure to use your imagination and try new combinations of produce.  Keep in mind that you should juice the soft fruits and vegetables first.  Then juice the harder and tougher ones like carrots.  The tougher ones will push the softer ones through the juicer.

Nothing is more energizing than a quick glass of home-made juice.  Juicing only takes a few minutes to do, but will offer your body huge benefits for a long time -- such as weight loss and assistance to cure and prevent common health issues.  With juicing, there is no cooking, no pans to scrub or time wasted eating a meal.  Juicers are relatively quick and easy to clean so you can get on with your day. Juicing does not have to consume your life.  Drinking just one glass of fresh juice a day will give you energy and perk up your spirits.

How To Prepare Delicious Raw Green Smoothies?

raw green smoothie
Raw green smoothie is nothing but a blend of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is taken as a juice which is rich in nutritional values. It provides more energy and strength as compared to fruits and vegetables eaten raw.

Raw green smoothie is very easy to prepare. The most important thing which is required is the correct equipment to blend the fruits and vegetables. If the individuals have just started drinking the green smoothie drink then they should maintain the fruits and vegetable ratio as 60:40. As they will get used to it they can reverse the ratio and include more of green vegetables in their diet.

Now the next question which arises in our mind is what kind of fruits and vegetables to be used for green smoothie. Usually all types of green vegetables will do, but people prefer more of spinach and lettuce in the starting. It is recommended that the vegetables should be rotated well in the blender. The individuals who have just started with the green smoothie can start with spinach as it doesn’t have any specific taste.

About the fruits, we can use any type of fruits in the smoothie. Once the fruits and vegetables are decided they are put into the blender and mixed with water. After mixing them, it is wise to first taste the smoothie and figure out what is missing. If the individuals want it to be sweeter then they can add honey or more ripe fruits to it. If they want it more liquid then they can add water to it. If you want the smoothie to be more energetic then add more green leafy vegetables to it.

It is advisable to drink the smoothies in breakfast. Having a green smoothie is the best substitute for other breakfast items. The individuals can also prefer to have the smoothie during lunch as well. It will help in boosting their energy and will relax their mind. Green smoothies also provide many other benefits like weight loss, quick healing of injuries, acts as sugar stabilizer, cures chronic illness like diabetes, heart diseases, asthma etc.

These green smoothies are enriched in nutrients which nourishes our body. Drinking green smoothies regularly increases our carving of green vegetables. It reduces our interest towards junk food intake as well. So introducing green smoothies is the best way to have a balanced diet.
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