Sunday, July 7, 2013

Gluten-Free Cake, Bread, Pizza, and Pasta Products Are More Available Today

gluten-free products
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with celiac disease or also known as gluten intolerance, you probably have a slew of questions running through your mind. Any kind of change can be really overwhelming. And when the change involves your entire diet, adapting and adhering to it can be a very challenging task. In the past, sufferers of gluten disease had to give up most of their favorite diet treats. Dining out meant having to browse through menus for hours and check out if their food of choice contains gluten. Today, all the hassles of being limited when it comes to food choices are all in the past because there are now a whole lot of gluten-free products like: cake, bread, pizza, and pasta available to individuals suffering from celiac disease.

Living a gluten-free lifestyle is becoming easier than it used to be because of the widespread presence of gluten-free food products in stores nationwide. If you take a trip to the grocery store, you will notice that there are lots of gluten-free cake, bread, pizza, and pasta products on the shelves. As more and more food manufacturers and companies recognize the need to address the growing number of individuals with celiac disease and gluten allergy, more gluten-free food items are showing up on store racks. Such products are aimed at meeting the strict dietary requirements of celiac sufferers and make eating more enjoyable again.

The good news doesn’t stop there. Many bakeries, restaurants, and popular food chains are now also serving such products. Gluten-free cakes, for example, are now available in dedicated gluten-free bakeries. These bakeries only make gluten-free cakes, muffins, pastries, and bread to prevent cross-contamination from other gluten-based foods. What is more, many of these bakeries today will allow customers to select the type of cake to be made. Of course, pre-made cakes are also available and can be directly purchased.

If there is one gluten-free product that will come out as the winner, it is without a doubt the gluten-free bread variety. Ener-G, Kinnikinnick, Glutino, Schar USA, and Three Bakers are just a few of the many manufacturers that produce gluten-free bread. From sliced breads to buns, rolls, and specialty breads, these companies offer them all. One will never run out of choices because even the Internet is now saturated with food stores that offer breads made especially for celiac sufferers. Some even offer free shipping if you order in bulk.

People with celiac disease need not feel frustrated about their pizza cravings anymore. Many popular pizza chains are now serving gluten-free pizza to anyone who needs it. Uno Chicago Grill, Godfather’s Pizza, Garlic Jim’s Famous Gourmet Pizza, Boston’s Gourmet Pizza, and even Domino’s Pizza now added gluten-free pizzas to their menu. Craving for pizza should no longer be a challenge for celiac victims because there are hundreds of pizza chains and restaurants that serve great-tasting pizza without gluten in the crust.

What is life without carbonara, lasagna, bolognese, alfredo, vermicelli, and fettuccini? A good pasta recipe can be really hard to find, especially when you’re avoiding gluten. But, many restaurants now offer gluten-free pasta meals to celiac victims. Today, looking for gluten-free pasta may be as simple as just asking them next time you visit.

Although challenging, following a gluten-free diet is important for healing the intestine in and preventing the reoccurrence of symptoms in celiac patients. Reading food labels is extremely crucial, as wheat, barley and rye is abundant American food products. Most supermarkets are now allocating more shelf space to gluten-free food items. Heaps of gluten-free goods can as well be found in local health food stores. Whole Foods Market, for example, supplies their shelves with a huge selection of gluten-free products.

Also, eating away from home brings its own set of challenges and requires good planning and communication with restaurant servers and manager prior to ordering to determine if gluten-free meals are available in the menu. Although some bakeshops and restaurants offer gluten-free cake, bread, pizza, and pasta products, remember that it’s important to communicate your dietary needs so you can be sure that you’re only getting what is acceptable for your condition.

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