Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How To Prepare Delicious Raw Green Smoothies?

raw green smoothie
Raw green smoothie is nothing but a blend of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is taken as a juice which is rich in nutritional values. It provides more energy and strength as compared to fruits and vegetables eaten raw.

Raw green smoothie is very easy to prepare. The most important thing which is required is the correct equipment to blend the fruits and vegetables. If the individuals have just started drinking the green smoothie drink then they should maintain the fruits and vegetable ratio as 60:40. As they will get used to it they can reverse the ratio and include more of green vegetables in their diet.

Now the next question which arises in our mind is what kind of fruits and vegetables to be used for green smoothie. Usually all types of green vegetables will do, but people prefer more of spinach and lettuce in the starting. It is recommended that the vegetables should be rotated well in the blender. The individuals who have just started with the green smoothie can start with spinach as it doesn’t have any specific taste.

About the fruits, we can use any type of fruits in the smoothie. Once the fruits and vegetables are decided they are put into the blender and mixed with water. After mixing them, it is wise to first taste the smoothie and figure out what is missing. If the individuals want it to be sweeter then they can add honey or more ripe fruits to it. If they want it more liquid then they can add water to it. If you want the smoothie to be more energetic then add more green leafy vegetables to it.

It is advisable to drink the smoothies in breakfast. Having a green smoothie is the best substitute for other breakfast items. The individuals can also prefer to have the smoothie during lunch as well. It will help in boosting their energy and will relax their mind. Green smoothies also provide many other benefits like weight loss, quick healing of injuries, acts as sugar stabilizer, cures chronic illness like diabetes, heart diseases, asthma etc.

These green smoothies are enriched in nutrients which nourishes our body. Drinking green smoothies regularly increases our carving of green vegetables. It reduces our interest towards junk food intake as well. So introducing green smoothies is the best way to have a balanced diet.

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